Sabarimala vs Supreme court


I write this on behalf of devotee’s who follow strict discipline and worship during Sabarimala pilgrimage.

The supreme court verdict on woman entry of all ages into the temple of Sabarimala clearly shows the interference of Judiciary into customs and rituals that was practised in centuries of a religion. Judiciary can interfere when at any occasion any activity that harms an individual or others. But here nothing harms anybody. Then why such interference by Judiciary on Dravidian customs? Woman are allowed in Sabarimala except as per the prescribed custom, that a girl below 10 and woman above 50 are allowed. Now to understand this we need to understand the purpose of life.

India is a place with rich heritage of ancient scientist Rishi’s and Siddha’s who has understood that the end of all human suffering and birth is realising oneself that he is not the just the body but within him there is an element of life force and that is  called as Jiva/Life force/Atma/Soul/energy/god/Shiva/Brahma or whatever you call it. So for easy understanding, lets name it “ JIVA”. If Jiva is not there in any living being than that is called as dead body. So that is why Jiva is also known as SHIVA.

Why to know about Jiva? It is your choice. Nobody compels you to know about Jiva/Soul/Life force/God etc…You are free to choose. Inspite of that many people do practise various spiritual and religious rituals and discipline, realising that there is some sort of energy beyond us. The people who practise these disciplines are not fools. Most of them are educated and well informed. They would have experienced something, which may be material, psychologically or spiritually. That’s the reason why many are still following it. So to achieve something  in a scientific way one has to follow certain rules and regulations. One such unique practice is during Sabarimala Pilgrimage.

The pilgrimage to Sabarimala has a programmed spiritual discipline which helps the devotee to reinforce them spiritually. Millions of devotee’s benefited this. It is said that 40 to  50 million devotees visit this place with 20% increase of devotees year after year. Some of the discipline includes, 41 days austerity( celibacy in thought and deed, Sleeping down, Eating pure veg food, non-violence, waking before sunrise, not sleeping during day time, praying and chanting, taking bath twice a day, donating food) , also that woman who have not attained puberty and those who are past their menapuase only can undertake the pilgrimage. Please note that woman who are undergoing their menstrual cycle are only not allowed in Sabarimala Ayyapan temple, but in other Ayyapan temples all Woman are allowed. ( SO THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMAN)

It was argued that the during the olden days woman were not allowed to visit Sabarimala because of the thick and dangerous forest and risky and now days all facilities and transportation is available, so as the circumstances changed, woman of all ages can easily access the temple. Again this were we are deviating from the very purpose. We are again looking everything from physical point of view, and not spiritual.

In India amongst the hindu religious  rituals insist on physical and mental purity. That is why before any ritual bath is taken before we enter temple. Similarly during the menstrual period of woman, there can be tiredness, headaches, irritability, body ache per medical science. So during 41 days of severe austerity it would be impossible to maintain strict spiritual discipline and undertake the journey.  So for the benefit of woman who is undergoing menstrual cycles with certain syndromes, this strict discipline of visiting Sabarimala on a pilgrimage was barred. Inspite of that there were controversy of a celebrity entering temple during the menstruating ages etc.. Everywhere you find such characters. Was this in arrangement with temple officials or not, is still a mystery.

Many devotee who are going on pilgrimage to sabarimala cuts all relationship temporarily from home and stays in Ashrams or along with other devotees in a common place. That is the level of focus and sacrifice a devotee does during this pilgrimage.

Now will woman between 11 to 50 can distract the celibate male pilgrims? That’s a debatable topic, however may or may not. If a beautiful damsel like Menaka can distract a Rishi like Viswamitra, we can imagine what it takes to distract an ordinary mortal.

Now days we hear that woman below 9 years and above 50 are also not safe, so lets not get into this.

Those who are fully engaged in material life in the world, Sabarimala pilgrimage provides and excellent opportunity to remain calm and experience the spiritual being in him. After the intense pilgrimage the person is better equipped to handle the situations of the world and that’s precisely the increase of pilgrims in Sabarimala.  So who gains here? Is it God or human? Ofcourse it is Human devotee’s who gains.

There is wrong perception that all religious and spiritual discipline is for pleasing god and as Ayyapa is celibate, so if woman goes there he gets distracted and he wont be pleased. Common, grow up people… Ayyapa has achieved the state of godhood and has reached the state of a Rishi, Siddha and a deity of high order with limitless power. The idea of spiritual discipline and celibate for 41 days is for disciplining the mind of the devotees, so that with this strict ritual the devotees experience atleast a taste of understanding that “ TAT VA MASI”, which means “ You are that”, which may further help devotees to achieve the full state of realisation.

4 thoughts on “Sabarimala vs Supreme court

  1. Very well written… and you have presented your case very strongly. I’m inclined to agree that the government and the judiciary must keep off religion as much as possible. It is between people and their beliefs…

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